.make sense! of this [NON]sense-tence.

29 December 2010


becoming somekind of lethargic mass
sleeping on/off/on/off alldaylong on/off/on

wallowing around
have a bagel and banana
turn the lights back off
hover under covers
and sleep
until it's dark
then do it again
nine more hours

what is wrong with me


misto bear's bunny ears are slouching
he hopped off my twinbed
scared the cat

get him,Margot
except he is 3x yr size
'good luck with that'


here is more space, entering down, i'm going write something else irrelevant, non-related to latter post(s), so i'm going to put in these 'signs' to 'symbolize' i hope this makes 'sense' '\\\' AND/OR '///' but not ''/\/' or \/\' , those mean 'other things' , other things. run on sentence your face, this face, my face, a face, no face


this blanket reeks of laundry detergent
in a bad way
choking me with your freshness
you are too clean


listening to a band by some boy
i was with
last spring break
what a trip

get off my playlist
you remind me of
uncomfortable things
but i like your songs


i'm 'afraid' of putting my playlist on 'random'
for fear of a song playing that i don't like
or some song connected to a memory that makes me feel melancholy
i choose what i listen to carefully
for fear of emotional trauma


what am i doing
save now/ or publish post?

23 December 2010


kitty cat

no pants

eating seaweed salad
i think this sushi is old
tastes like it

kitty, get out of the chemicals
come on
get out of here
i'm trying to go blonde

shut the door
keep the heat in

absent chills

18 December 2010

i tried xx tonight it was alright

why this consistent thing in my newsfeed with kids in beds under blankets in sloppy rooms with morning light taken with film cameras i want some of it i want in on some of this film grain too can i get in on some of it i want to take a picture of a cute boy in a bed under blankets drinking a coca cola too i want to represent my twenty-something life as it is when it is it is now oh that part that you do not see those things i do they do exist they have existed rather for the shortest periods hiding under the softest sheets with close breaths and deep eyes ; deep sighs but i cannot capture it for the boy does not exist

any longer
without this presence i am forced to pretend
maybe i should just transcend
e (i)

14 December 2010

invisible carpet surprise

penetration through
s|t|a|l|e skin
unsure of what it is? but
know it hurts ( blurt )

red drops spilling over crease, spilling
waterfountainlike Gush

some kind of chard deepwithin
fresh slice
dug out with nearest tool, dug out with exacto knife,
upon discovery, a

glass splinter

out/in/out again

she arrived at your backdoor, the place between your mind and your heart, she got a hold and she isn't letting go, No, she isn't letting go. you didn't even realize she was standing there, for a good five minutes, you didn't. your glass was too thick to break. too thick to shake your subconscious, your stirring mind of lost thoughts. she had to call you, she had to wait for you to let her in. she had to wait for you to open your door

she was grasping that knob so tightly holding (to your) outside, just to be welcomed [to you(r)] inside

just to be there when it was time to come in

you didn't know (then)

you still don't (now)



( that )

you let her


09 December 2010

story 1

he put his finger in her mouth and told her to bite down.
she couldn't figure out what he was implying or if he was even trying to.
they had only known each other two months.

<< ...
they met in some dive bar on the outskirts of town, during the middle of a june storm.
the bar seemed a bit dull this night, not unusual for a thursday. he came alone, sat for a beer, then felt like a smoke and made his way outside.
she arrived around the same time with two girlfriends, bar hopping after one of their birthdays. she felt bored being inside and needed to think about some things and politely excused herself from the table. she stepped outside under the awning for a smoke. he was leaning up against a rail looking at his feet, looking kind of miserable. she searched in her clutch for her carton of cigarettes, finding them but realized they were empty. she had lent her last one to her friend. she noticed he a few feet away was smoking and decided to ask if she could borrow one. he looked up from his shoes and mundanely obliged, "Sure." she thanked him and went about smoking. he turned back toward his feet. they were still standing kind of close since the awning was barely enough for four or five people. she was feeling slightly confident that evening, a first for her in a long time and decided to introduce herself. she wasn't made up or anything fancy, but she had this kind of natural beauty one doesn't find just anywhere. she said her name and he didn't look her in the eye or anything and told her his name. he seemed ok with talking, only a few words here and there, and continued to exchange pleasantries with her nonchalantly, she participating moderately more than him. while they conversed, the humidity with its thick palms gently caressed their faces. hers shone in the somewhat flickering bug light, drips of moisture complimenting her already glossy lips. he was too preoccupied at the time to notice her illuminated contour, as he stared blankly into the drizzle. his thoughts swirling with confusion as he examined his life and the recent events bringing him down. she barely knew his name much less his current circumstances but she picked up on him looking lonely and stayed, keeping him company, taking much longer to smoke her cigarette before returning inside...


02 December 2010


get out of my dreams,plz (would you?) / starting to 'get to me' / i don't want to 'deal with this' anymore

01 December 2010

t ck t ck |AND/OR| i/o

beach babes

scantily clad

bikini tan lines

swivel and hop and jiggy


sandy speedos

getting with it

getting a groove on

midday bake

jamaica vaca in late july


30 November 2010

w v s

**this (song) is lame

**this (song) is lame

i feel like i am in an elevator

in that place where you are in waiting what's it called

purgatory or something

i imagine it would be something like this

and you're just waiting and waiting and you eat a cracker and drink some OJ maybe and you're like....um O.K. (refer to **title)

29 November 2010

i am writing

i am in class

it's raining

we are listening to surf rock

it brings a nice warmth to the dreariness outside

i gaze through the window

i feel ok

i wear partly wool gloves

with the fingertips cut out

they are pretty comfortable

these shoes i am wearing

feel like house shoes

i try not to get my feet wet

by carefully dodging puddles

i have so much to do in the next nineteen days (o please do not mention my time frame)

but it will get done


i am through with this

at least

20 November 2010


decadent, obtuse bouncing sparkles

on a hazy, thick-air night

flamboyance at her best. feathers swinging,

painted figures playfully gleaming.

mounds and mounds of beads

dangling down barely covered breasts.

fruiting towers, sexual power, favoured

faces; masks that silence the

soul beneath, drunken.


out for speed.

taken by excitement, lost in

excess, finding an evening for foreplay


left at a party, passed

dead to the floor.

News of Orleana, we hear

no more.

[ video of me reading this ]

19 November 2010

| | | |

five stars
d / (e's)/ F A U L T/

watches the sunrise
eats animal crackers
& with a hint of caffeine, is in for

A.M.: clearly the calmest
calmly the clearest

macbook battery >434 cycles

flamingo flaunting
infatuated with splashing

listens to song on repeat at least 30 times until 'sick of it'
if song proves its potential , indefinite listening.

(don't) GIVE IT UP

12 November 2010


pizza breath
you taste like pepperoni
get out of my face, kid
where were you last night anyway?
i heard you left your dog inside all weekend
what were(n't) you thinking?

want to decipher this?

just type-U_S-out correctly,
paste our links in carefully and upload
publish now

oh but we have missing links
we read as, 'Error'
we're obviously misspelled

our password failed.

clean sheets

Her freshest linen, white with cerulean palm trees and tropical flowers

A fluffed airy duvet cover hugging thin sheets, keeping captive
dancing images in such states, still
fabric softener never fails to pour aroma into
also allowing such softness for slumber
she shaved her legs tonight, 11:38 PM late eve
in anticipation of sliding into her bed of
springy ECSTACY.

Why restlessness from anxiousness
kept her awake till 2:15 AM she
understood not
Her back stinging, still
from sleeping on others' floors, pull-out beds, and twin mattresses
five separate houses, this week.
In order with whom: none the same
young man, girl, girls, grandma, young man
it was pleasant to pass out in her own room for once.

your plasticity puzzles me.

01 November 2010

'it doesn't mean shit'

been 'losing it' all day
just spilt supper cereal milk all over my keyboard
took off the 'e' and 'command' key
leopold my macbook is o.k.

, but
i am not.

little problem? you got no clue
big problems

break down
breaking down
breaking on downward
into corner of wall
into comforter on laundry room floor in corner of wall
and cry

25 October 2010

last night on the bus ride home i wrote this on my macbook

the internet is DOwn

the internet is DOwn

PILOT TRAVEL CENTER via megabus via chicago to champain to memphis

shower number five is ready

shower number five is ready

shower user number five please initiate

i just touched base in 'Effingham' IL

i just bought a tolberone in 'Effingham' IL

its 2:56 am

and i am in effing 'Effingham' IL and i am effing amused.



19 October 2010

ceramics studio

the soda machines spittin out
unexpected quantities of change
1 dime 3 nickels and a quarter
thanks? i guess

(1) too tired to 'deal' with this
(2) hiccup face
(3) clay hands

i didn't mean to push pepsi

15 October 2010

cause unknown

her lips were dry like leather hide
salt stings and chapped dermis
even the most moisturizing product fails
to replenish

the normality of moisture

a kiss' death

13 October 2010

my dream about ana

( addressed to ana )

dude. you were in my nap dream idk how. i was in your city, we were going to meet up to eat at someplace well known for its hummus /pita bread. we discussed it out on the swanky rooftop dinning area/level. i was carrying a bunch of things like a suitcase, wearing heels and it was taking me a minute to get out downstairs from my hotel room, you darted out energetically and i was to follow you to your car but you got a bit ahead of me, jumping into the elevator and went down before me, but i didn't know which level you had gone to (to find your car -it wasn't on the ground level) so i decided to go out the front door, yet i realized the place was skyscraper high -i would have to shimmy down a ladder for 100 feet before i hit the outside stairs. so i took the inside stairs, and there was this huge slide instead so i slid down to the bottom level. somebody let their baby slide down too, but it went one way and came back the next, having the biggest time ever, but the opposing person failed to catch it and it kind of crashed and cried a lot, but it was ok. after that i started to express how i felt 'lost' via text message, my phone battery was about to die, and as i typed you showed up right in front of me and we went to eat.

( ana edits NVW! )

10 October 2010


I was recently interviewed by the University of Central Arkansas’ student run newspaper, The Echo about my poems. I read them at the Vortex Reading & Community Jam at La Lucha in Conway, Arkansas.

02 October 2010

finally posted (from july 29) these turned into lyrics for a song

i spent my summers alone
sewing hand clutches
never leaving my apartment

my wrist was sore from
the needle penetrating
matte board through fabric silk

a constant push and pull
my thimble was getting worn

sometimes i stuck my finger
on accident
it hurt

i had a roommate
but i basically was the only one there
all the time

it got old

i was productive
but lonely as fuck

the local weirdos / psychos
sporadically hollerinG at me

ain't nothin new
ain't a damn thing new in this little-po-dunk-no-way-town

let me alone
leave it be
i'd rather sit here and sew
than fancy you
fancy, you

'fancy you'

pretty 'english'


this is me reading a few pieces

beans and rice

1.61 in my account after rent goes through. jeez. beans and rice

egg sandwich supper

(head hurts)

sneeze X3

not interested.


weather: rain

day: strange

mood: in & out, but covering most states

i'm on fb chat

but you talk to me on

gmail chat

should i get on gmail

just so you'll talk to me?

i don't need to check my email right now

but i'd like to converse with you

i should just get off the internet

i have homework to do

i can't read you

but i want to


27 September 2010

I went for a friend's kid

you don't realize you have sensory issues until you
are surrounded by flashing lights, shrilling babies,
obnoxious MC's going Woohoo abruptly into the mic sporadically,
an excess of primary colours and zillions of strangers' kids.
chatter chatter feels like swirling in an avalanche
of sounds, this slowly lulls me to sleep, surprisingly
This place is hella cheesy but god the kids eat it up along
with their cookies, cheap baked pizza, and sugar-death cake
The chairs are far too close together. Excuse, me please.
I am not large. But this corporate body is, this enterprise, you Cheesy Chuckster, you.
Rush Rush get this through, we got back-to-back another
party to do.
If I were to work here I'd age so quickly. Bags beneath
my eyes. Liking having 15 children of your own. I
wouldn't survive.

cardboard flatbread

and on the menu tonight is cardboard
smells like a wet dog

if you season it up enough you can't tell your dinner has been slightly going out of date the past few weeks.
peppered those week-and-a-half-old tomatoes and steamed that wilted kale

veggie burger on cardboard flatbread
lotsa mustard
with a not so fresh purple onion

tastes great actually, you wouldn't even notice with all the ingredients together plus a bit of salt and tons of pepper

24 September 2010


i have a new tumblr



23 September 2010


i can't read you
but i want to.


don't forget yr bag of

cheese cloth and marmalade jam

made by your uncle



get outta my newsfeed

get outta my lane

get off my lawn

get outta my face

14 September 2010

lingerie party

The hushed mostly church girls softly spoke on matters principle to topic, chiefly (upcoming marriage, honeymoon)except you know everyone was thinking about the big S word, sex.
whether virginal or not so, it was the subject, the thing, the thought lingering within minds imaginative, picturing themselves with another, how that would look, how awkward this bride to 3 weeks be would hurt since she didn't even wear super tampons. wtf we all were like. talking of the gynecologist. she modeled her corset which looked the sluttiest thing I've ever seen on such a 'pure' girl, barely over twenty. so 'godly', such natural beauty from within. she was hesitant to appear before her lingerie party, merely her wedding cast, closest girlfriends, adopted? foster? sister/ mother and then there was me- uninvited but came with a friend anyway who had been. I didn't bring a present, I ate the cake, I drank 3 cups of the pineapple punch, listened and participated in slicing the thick air of questionry, dull personas, shy speakers, and a quiet bride.
I asked, so how many kids do you want to have? where do you want to live, where will you live?
Pushing away good riddance to the 'they're gonna do it' idea/ mental scene which had plagued my mind for ten full minutes. She answered polietly, pleased to move (away) from such private subjects.


I told her to shut it, that she was acting like our
dad, but to her, our dad was our 'father'
and not even that, he was a stranger. the
kind of stranger you do not want to meet.
she shut it. then, she ceased to be a
bitch. that's all it took, just say something
about our stranger father and the subject


punk mc-cute my zipper keeps coming
undone I'd like to play piano you know
but you motherfuckers smoke indoors
y're on yr cruise, sick rich
I am on a ship I am passing mtns
the ones with snow caps, the ones wearing those
The sun jumped over the mtn down to
horizon haus, the place it disappears
and conceals itself under a single
horizontal line
this ship feels mammoth but when you
look up you realize the size of yr
buncha brothers talkin' bowt blank
can't decifer, engine trouble, something Davis
sea bucket hat, tooth pick, glasses
"tie yr britches son"
"he was interrogatin' her, but she was interrogatin' you"
the sun grins on sailboats, tug boats,
the boats returning the glare, reflection
you want to know whats in my mind, No
you don't
punk mcCutie, wolf sweatshirt, black skinnys
teal shoes, lime laces, porcelain earrings
urban outfitters
fucking hipster, hipster
I want you rat tail cutie

How boys learn about flowers

from forms of poetry course, take a title (somebody else made up) and write a poem
"How boys learn about flowers"

[Boy speaking -> May 1930]

She pushed me into the daisies
we got grass & dirt
on our shirts
I remember vividly our rendezvous
I remember her
yellow bloom(ers)

June 13 hawt sprangz w.Aut & Jeremy

The Arkansas Summer
no AC in this toyota, that's just the way it is
the way it was back before modern
amenities, grannie remembers, it ain't
that bad, it's all you know and well,
you get used to it, it's normal, wind blown
hair is alright. esp. if you have short
hair like me. I don't give a shit.

55 North (observations on a road trip to Cape Girardeau, MO )

55 North

soy fields
rusted barns barbed wire fences
old rotting trees, concrete tower
lavender highway flowers
dotted line tall sky cumulous clouds
Popular Bluff exit Chicago
2 miles
Dexter Exit something B
city limit Sikeston
there's a new king in town
now entering Scott county hoo-rah
Miner water tower/source
30 miles to destination
Cape Girardeau, MO
wedding plans - who's the man?

Thank you come again

from my yellow journal,unedited

Seattle, your air is crisp and cool
city streets
hella hipsters

grannie touristy feeding the pigeons
we are obviously not locals
I may be in my grey tone-monochrome
sequin shirt, my horizontal striped sweater
Speciality's Cafe, tasty delights
cutey hipster jesus across the way
SASSOON Union & 5th St 9:34 am
waiting to open
tones of fixies, everyone wears a helmet
no bones about it
reminds me of europe June 24, 60s in the
morning 70s in the day

me & the white rabbit are going places
leaving the South
suffocating, suffocation by bible belt
there are no fat turds here
lemme meet a washington boy, plz.

11 September 2010


my favorite names as of 2008-2009ish

a draft i have saved on my phone since then and updated some here and there last updated in july this yr

nikolaus 'niko'























sullivan 'sully'




09 September 2010

mid day tr(ah)ffic

gliding down harkrider

.morelike,, harkFRIGHT!er


my saturn's carrying me swiftly along

tonstartssbandht's playing high roller

i'm getting lost in this sound,

increase speed &

!L !I !F !T o!F!F

my mind leaves for>> ecSTATI(City)

f (4) i (3) v (2) e (1) seconds &i'm suddenly stunned

i realize i just drove straight through a stoplight

completely oblivious in somekindadaze

it got loud

and i left momentarily

to be edited/to not

sub rosa

bourgeoisie tip toeing

in the know(Sing)

castles of courtesans

tossing petals and posies

flaxen locks

unruly heathen[s(In)]

silk skivvies

way(Down)ward drool

Lest(er) the jester japes

skylarking, that fool

his highness

with a goblet

spilled wine

on his gauntlet

his armour, a bit loose

and shamelessly undone

your sovereign chest VS. her forbidden breasts

make this move, but beware- she may capture your kingdom

your Lilliputian (K)nights couldn't stand a chance

she'd have them cornered, those fellows, confused

in your tower so tall made of brick and cobblestone walls

you left your scent, an essence emerging from

the candle flickering in her mind

through (P)ages she awaits you



DRAG, YOU -a -c -r -o -s -s








DRAG, YOU __________o_______ f ____ f