.make sense! of this [NON]sense-tence.

14 December 2010

out/in/out again

she arrived at your backdoor, the place between your mind and your heart, she got a hold and she isn't letting go, No, she isn't letting go. you didn't even realize she was standing there, for a good five minutes, you didn't. your glass was too thick to break. too thick to shake your subconscious, your stirring mind of lost thoughts. she had to call you, she had to wait for you to let her in. she had to wait for you to open your door

she was grasping that knob so tightly holding (to your) outside, just to be welcomed [to you(r)] inside

just to be there when it was time to come in

you didn't know (then)

you still don't (now)



( that )

you let her
