.make sense! of this [NON]sense-tence.

09 May 2018


interlace tears and sweat
strangers in between dreams

Do you remember how we met?
Your subconscious crashed into mine
at the speed of light

It's our fate, so divine
Your presence blows my tiny mind

02 January 2018

twenty eighteen: substance 1987

  buzz bizz buzz

Phone bZZZ Phone bizz Phone bUZZ

<-- go
go | GO
a  w  a  y

ju S T 
    o p
o k   ( ?
OK Google!
what do you know about life?
what can you teach me today?

I'ma keep listening to new order and survive
    your  a d  V i c e

tis quite the s_KI_p! in this blog
tis quite a D ri P! in this lo
tis a quiet t---r---i---p in the .f..o.g.

yet welcome back to: 
the present, to the future, the last days of my being thirty
it's negative twelve degrees celsius
january's here, for now