.make sense! of this [NON]sense-tence.

29 December 2010


becoming somekind of lethargic mass
sleeping on/off/on/off alldaylong on/off/on

wallowing around
have a bagel and banana
turn the lights back off
hover under covers
and sleep
until it's dark
then do it again
nine more hours

what is wrong with me


misto bear's bunny ears are slouching
he hopped off my twinbed
scared the cat

get him,Margot
except he is 3x yr size
'good luck with that'


here is more space, entering down, i'm going write something else irrelevant, non-related to latter post(s), so i'm going to put in these 'signs' to 'symbolize' i hope this makes 'sense' '\\\' AND/OR '///' but not ''/\/' or \/\' , those mean 'other things' , other things. run on sentence your face, this face, my face, a face, no face


this blanket reeks of laundry detergent
in a bad way
choking me with your freshness
you are too clean


listening to a band by some boy
i was with
last spring break
what a trip

get off my playlist
you remind me of
uncomfortable things
but i like your songs


i'm 'afraid' of putting my playlist on 'random'
for fear of a song playing that i don't like
or some song connected to a memory that makes me feel melancholy
i choose what i listen to carefully
for fear of emotional trauma


what am i doing
save now/ or publish post?