.make sense! of this [NON]sense-tence.

18 December 2010

i tried xx tonight it was alright

why this consistent thing in my newsfeed with kids in beds under blankets in sloppy rooms with morning light taken with film cameras i want some of it i want in on some of this film grain too can i get in on some of it i want to take a picture of a cute boy in a bed under blankets drinking a coca cola too i want to represent my twenty-something life as it is when it is it is now oh that part that you do not see those things i do they do exist they have existed rather for the shortest periods hiding under the softest sheets with close breaths and deep eyes ; deep sighs but i cannot capture it for the boy does not exist

any longer
without this presence i am forced to pretend
maybe i should just transcend
e (i)


  1. Hi there,

    I like your blog, and would love it if you visited my art site, and if you follow me, I will follow you....

