busy list
from march 4, 2009
keep me (active) please, a busy list.
Sun 9:35pm | Edit Note | Delete
list number one. once I accomplish this list I will move on to a new one. It may take days, it may take months.
1. reorganize my room
2. oc clean/organize it/keep it that way
3. job
4. lens cap
5. upload your original piano music
6. construct something to hang my scarves/hats/ribbons/banda
pnas/string/gloves/belts on
7. patch up turquoise OR find a very certain pair (shoes)
8. shoe …rack?
9. clean out old room treasures OR trash
10. write out philosophies on life
11. recycling can
12. raise GPA
13. yard
14. clean out car/ ESPECIALLY trunk. you know you have A LOT of junk in yo trunk foo.
15. clothing sale / give away / goodwill / consignment
16. walk Jack
17. run / running clinic
18. material: new cellphone / a digital camera /headphones
19. utilize YOUR time, utilize YOUR planner, SCHEDULE yourself. k.