.make sense! of this [NON]sense-tence.

22 March 2010


Fusing fireball torches, an unruly rampage, moving.
Illumination of iron pieces swaying up and down, up and down
reflecting in the decending Sun, West
treading onward through twisted trees to an overgrown field,
greenery bled not upon, yet.
antagonists parading fullspeed at each other
first making eye contact, then physical. weapon to armour, weapon to chest
blood everywhere
plots of annihilation to rid the cannibals, the viking-turned-islanders
scheming months in advance
while the saltwater sea carried currents toward shore,
waves crashing abruptly
crablike creatures hurriedly hiding, burrowing underneath
sand and rocks, avoiding strange sounds, clanking and busting of flesh
bare feet gathering together forming a stomping circle
hungry, hairy, human beasts screaming high pitches chanting phrases
language native to area, but not recognizable due to the intensity
of loudness and slurring of syllables
Once warrior vikings stand stiff and still
Like sticks in the ground
Like sticks in the ground.
