BOING! BOING! spark spark spark(EXPLODE!)le sparkle sparkle shine only twenty seven for a little while BOING! BOING!
30 November 2010
**this (song) is lame
**this (song) is lame
i feel like i am in an elevator
in that place where you are in waiting what's it called
purgatory or something
i imagine it would be something like this
and you're just waiting and waiting and you eat a cracker and drink some OJ maybe and you're like....um O.K. (refer to **title)
29 November 2010
i am writing
i am in class
it's raining
we are listening to surf rock
it brings a nice warmth to the dreariness outside
i gaze through the window
i feel ok
i wear partly wool gloves
with the fingertips cut out
they are pretty comfortable
these shoes i am wearing
feel like house shoes
i try not to get my feet wet
by carefully dodging puddles
i have so much to do in the next nineteen days (o please do not mention my time frame)
but it will get done
i am through with this
at least
27 November 2010
26 November 2010
20 November 2010
decadent, obtuse bouncing sparkles
on a hazy, thick-air night
flamboyance at her best. feathers swinging,
painted figures playfully gleaming.
mounds and mounds of beads
dangling down barely covered breasts.
fruiting towers, sexual power, favoured
faces; masks that silence the
soul beneath, drunken.
out for speed.
taken by excitement, lost in
excess, finding an evening for foreplay
left at a party, passed
dead to the floor.
News of Orleana, we hear
no more.
[ video of me reading this ]
19 November 2010
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12 November 2010
clean sheets
Her freshest linen, white with cerulean palm trees and tropical flowers